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CA Jyoti Deshwal

CA Jyoti Deshwal

This is CA Jyoti Deshwal, a Chartered Accountant by profession and an Educator by Passion. A strong believer of the fact that there is no such thing as talent, you can achieve anything with hard work. From my days of taking classes I knew teaching is something that I wanted to do and after working with Big 4 in auditing and assurance for a brief time this dream of mine has finally turned into determination and is now a reality.

This is the place where you will get revision lectures with handwritten charts , free demo lectures and all the details about upcoming batches, this platform is known for Selections with customized classes & strategic preparation. Let's be a part of this incredible journey.

Buy Online Classes of CA Audit By CA Jyoti Deshwal From Lecturewala

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CA Final New Syllabus Advanced Auditing & Professional Ethics Regular Classes By CA Jyoti Deshwal : Online Classes

Rs. 6,499

Detailed Course Specification: - FACULTY NAME CA JYOTI DESHWAL ..

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