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Amit Popli Classes

Amit Popli Classes

Buy the Best CA/CMA Lectures of Amit Popli Classes from Lecturewala

Amit Popli is the founder of Amit Popli Classes. Amit Popli is a famous faculty for CA Inter and Final corporate economics and laws. He is a charter accountant and insolvency professional and has been awarded by ICAI through certificate of appreciation for teaching law at various levels. Amit Popli Classes is a brand that is currently affiliated with Aldine Venture Private Limited. Amit Popli Classes is a pioneer in providing education to CA students through satellite mode at over 150 locations across India. Amit Popli classes in which Amit Sir has several unique approaches and practical experience to clear the doubts of students efficiently.

Lecturewala aims to provide quality education in one place of the best faculties at affordable prices with great support in classes.

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